给了你一个梦想a fabricated dream然后破灭后发现现实中再也找不到它 The American Dream... Which one? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
又mean又嘴贱的两个老好朋友三生三世枕上书播放时间表还有颤颤巍巍从来没有撒过一滴的服务员 神助攻亡妻 太可爱了 让衰老和死亡变得没那么可怕Cancers also love Chito. It’s time to make a new choice be fully alive which means sad angry frightened exhilarated all of it then we can see what kind of person you can becomeI don’t know how it happened but thank God it did做好一切准备然后交给上帝我们没有时间可以浪费了所以还是直接一点吧